Updates to my website

Recently, I’ve made some changes to my website. These will improve it’s performance, stability, security and user experience. The main changes are the following ones: Moved server location from NL to UK Upgraded to PHP 8 Google Drive links to registered users are now direct download links (project repo). If you experience any problem in …

1st year!

In April 10, 2020, I published my first commit on my GitHub personal account. And a year ago, I have 13 repos in my personal account, a website and three subs (thx to mrHeavenli, hollaatyaboy & MCS007N). Also, I’ve compiled some other useful software, such as OpenSSH for Windows (thanks to all the stargazers), Wget2 …

Under “attack”

I’ve enabled Cloudflare’s Under attack mode because I am currently receiving a high bandwidth usage (approx. 600MB/hour). It doesn’t seem to be too much, but for a shared hosting website it may breach my hosting ToS. Normal users may continue using my website normally. However, this will make that some software, like JCC, may not …