HNSDNS: A Handshake DNS resolver and nameserver

For the past two months, I’ve been actively building a real Handshake DNS resolver and public nameservers, since I didn’t find any good ones out there. First of all, what is Handshake? Handshake is a blockchain and an alternative DNS that aims to decentralize the domain root zone (which is currently controlled by ICANN), so …

Google Public (ACME) CA is now on Public Beta and how you can obtain an SSL certificate from Google Trust Services

Google has just released the public beta of their Public (ACME) Certificate Authority service. This means that you can now issue certificates using Google’s ACME server. But setting it up is not as easy as you may think, as it requires some terminal and ACME knowledge. However, here I will explain a bit about the …

Cloudflare’s DigiCert CA deprecation

TL;DR – Cloudflare Inc ECC CA-X & Cloudflare Inc RSA CA-X: so long, and thanks for all the fish! A few weeks ago, Cloudflare silently announced that they will start deprecating their DigiCert certification authority starting on September 12, 2022. This will affect the following intermediate certificates: The changes will start applying for Enterprise customers …