Steam Proton builds

Proton is a modified version of Wine created by Valve to improve game support by adding support for DirectX, DXVK, vkd3d, etc.

Proton is intended for Steam use only, but I’ve re-compiled it and created a tutorial about how to run it without Steam.

The latest compiled release is: Proton 7.0-2.

Please read the installation instructions before proceeding. They exist for a reason.

MirrorDownload link (fast)Proton 7.0-2.tar.xz

OpenSSH for Windows

OpenSSH for Windows is a setup wizard for a modern Windows version of OpenSSH.

Currently, it’s the most famous project I have done.

If you want to give it a try, please download the installer through the following buttons:

avr-gcc 11-20210501

avr-gcc is a ‘flavor’ of the famous GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) that supports compiling C and C++ code to AVR compatible code (hex, eep, …).

The problem is that the latest official version of avr-gcc is version 5.4.0 (2015), but the most recent release of GCC is 11.1.0 (now I’m using snapshots). That’s why I compiled avr-gcc using the latest version of GNU GCC.

You can download it through my blog post, which has got a lot more information about this release. Hope you like it!

Wget2 for Windows

Wget2 is the succesor of Wget, with new functions, like multi threaded downloads and file compression.

Here is a compiled version of Wget2 for Windows. Be aware that this is experimental and some functions may not work correctly, so do not use it in anything important.

Arduino Pro IDE – Setup (deprecated)

Arduino Pro IDE – Setup is a setup wizard for the Windows version of the new Arduino Pro IDE.

The setup is simple but powerful. If you want to try it, you can download it through the button below.

FDisassoc GUI

FDissasoc GUI is a program that helps users to easily disassociate Windows file extensions.

It is unstable and could be DANGEROUS if you don’t use it correctly. More information in this link.

To download FDisassoc GUI, click on the button below:

NuGet Installer (deprecated)

NuGet Installer is a command-line (and now also a GUI) installer for NuGet package manager.

NuGet is a popular package manager specially designed for developers. The problem is that there is not an installable version of the package manager.

So I decided to create this tool: An installer and uninstaller that downloads and installs the latest version of NuGet package manager into your system.

You can download NuGet Installer through this buttons:

BuildXL Installer

BuildXL Installer is an installer for the Microsoft Build Accelerator (BuildXL).

BuildXL is a build engine developed to perform lots of builds at the same time (Microsoft says that you can run 30,000+ builds per day).

If you are interested, you can visit the project’s website here.

MirrorDownload link (fast)BuildXL.Setup.0.1.0-20210604.5.msi

8GadgetPack Icon Changer

8GadgetPack Icon Changer is a program that changes the original 8GadgetPack Icon with the Windows 7’s one. If you do not know what is 8GadgetPack, please visit it’s home page here.

Java Compiler Collection (JCC) (deprecated)

Java Compiler Collection is a tool that install in your computer three Java compiler: Maven, Gradle and Ant. It’s useful because you can use them from any place without needing to copy them to your working directory.

Program Overflow

Lumito’s Program Overflow is a program that makes lots of copies of it into C:\ProgramOverflow folder, so you can later run them (obviously in a Virtual Machine) and test it’s durability and… destroy it! You can download it by clicking the button below.

More software coming soon…